Mid 2010 macbook pro 13 logic board replacement
Mid 2010 macbook pro 13 logic board replacement

mid 2010 macbook pro 13 logic board replacement

I hate the "Genius Bar" because I feel that the people at the Genius Bar are either incredibly uninformed or are outright liars. I took it to an Apple authorized facility rather than the Genius Bar. It had all the classic symptoms of the graphics card issue. The logic board on the machine I use first failed in May 2013.

mid 2010 macbook pro 13 logic board replacement mid 2010 macbook pro 13 logic board replacement

Though all have been replaced under AppleCare, it is clear that Apple has a quality control problem. I have onen mid 2010 MacBook Pro (Purchased in late 2010) that is on its third logic board since May 2013 (and a failed optical drive), and two other that are each on their second logic boards.

Mid 2010 macbook pro 13 logic board replacement